At the start of the month, we told you about our Lifestyle Option appointments. Every Tuesday in February, our gym teams have 30-minute appointments available for you to book and discuss how your gym/exercise routine can be customised to your personal lifestyle needs.
A Lifestyle Options appointment will typically consist of:
• Measuring blood pressure
• Taking Tanita measurements
• Readjusting your goals based on your BP and Tanita results
• Discussing your lifestyle and eating habits
• Aligning your training focus to move towards achieving identified goals
• Demonstrations of equipment
• Review after 4-6 weeks with another Lifestyle Option appointment
The photos below show you some of our members and even our staff having their blood pressure taken, which is part of the appointment.
We encourage you to come along on any Tuesday in February, but appointments are also available at other times. Click here for more info on these 1-to-1 sessions that are included in any adult (18y+) membership; in fact you get one Xcite Options appointment every 4 weeks! There are currently 7 Xcite Options on offer – all are 30-minutes, face-to-face with one of our gym team. You can book your appointment through our WLL app, our website or with one of our team in venue.