More than ninety residents from eleven care homes across West Lothian came together today to participate in the tenth annual Xcite Ageing Well ‘Canalympics,’ a lively afternoon of friendly competition and sporting challenges at Xcite Craigswood.

The Xcite Ageing Well initiative was established to promote healthy ageing by offering social, accessible activities that enhance both physical and mental wellbeing. The Canalympics event plays a key role in the team’s mission to encourage elderly residents to stay active. This year’s event featured a variety of fun activities, including bean bag toss, penalty shootouts, hook-a-duck, and even sock pairing.

The event was hosted in partnership with the West Lothian Care Activity Network, which brings together West Lothian Leisure, West Lothian Council, and the NHS, to collaborate on activities that support the health and wellbeing of care home residents.

Volunteers from Tesco Community Champions were on hand to serve teas and coffees, while fresh scones were provided by West Lothian social enterprise, The Larder, which also contributed volunteers to ensure the smooth running of the event.

Local charity ‘Smile – Adventure with Dementia’, which raises awareness about the importance of staying active in later years, sponsored the awards and presented 2024 overall winners Meadowvale Care Home with their hard-earned trophy. 

West Lothian Council 2022 data shows that West Lothian is forecast to have the fastest growth in population of pensionable age in Scotland over the next 25 years, an estimated increase of 44%. This is twice the Scottish average, so keeping the elderly fit and active within the region is essential. Physical activity for older people bolsters immunity, slows the biological clock and is a protective factor for diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and some types of cancer. It is also associated with improved mental health, delay in the onset of dementia and improved quality of life and wellbeing.

Ben Lamb, CEO of West Lothian Leisure said: “The Xcite Ageing Well team has over 25 years of successfully making a significant difference to the lives of those who regularly attend our activities. The Canalympics is a fantastic example of the many events and activities that take place under this initiative and a great reminder that keeping fit and active can be a lot of fun!

“We’re delighted that activities such as this at West Lothian Leisure have contributed to a significant £14.4 million in social value over the period April 2023 to March 2024. This figure underscores the positive, social, economic, and environmental impacts of our activities and highlights the significant contribution that our services provide to the wellbeing of our communities.”