Xcite Whitburn Gym Extension

We are delighted to share that we will soon begin a project to expand the gym facilities at Xcite Whitburn.  

This extended gym space will allow us to enhance our free weights and strength training areas — something our customers have been requesting for some time. These improvements will also help alleviate overcrowding issues in the current gym. 


Where will the new gym be located? 

As part of these exciting changes, we have made the decision to close the soft play area and convert this space to expand the Whitburn gym across two levels. This decision was made after careful consideration of the current usage and future needs of our facilities. Unfortunately, the soft play area has seen a significant decline in attendance and has been underutilised for some time. At the same time, we have recognised a growing demand for more gym space and improvements. We understand this may be disappointing for those who use the soft play area, but we believe this change will ultimately provide more value to our community. 

As an organisation, we remain deeply committed to improving physical activity opportunities for children and young people. We are actively exploring new programmes and activities tailored to our younger customers and their families, and we’ll be sharing more details on these exciting initiatives as soon as we have them.  

Our soft play area will officially close on Sunday, 8th September 2024, with renovation work scheduled to begin on Monday, 9th September. Please be aware that there will also be a temporary reduction in available car parking spaces during the extension work.


When will the new gym open?

We anticipate the project will be fully completed by early December, but we’ll keep you posted with all the latest updates on our website and social media channels.  

We appreciate your understanding and support as we make these improvements - please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions on these changes. 

What new equipment will be available? 

We’re working with Technogym, our equipment supplier, on the new gym plans, and we can’t wait to share them with you! Our group fitness studio will also be upgraded and refreshed, creating a much-improved customer experience. 

See below for some additional FAQ's on the gym extension project. If you have any further questions, please complete an enquiry form HERE and a member of the team will get back in touch. 

Thank you for your ongoing support and patience while we make these improvements. We can’t wait to share these fantastic new facilities with you! 



Why are you extending the gym?

Customer demand for the gym at Xcite Whitburn has been steadily increasing for several years, particularly since the gym refurbishment in November 2022. As one of the largest towns in West Lothian and an area continuing to grow, we are now at a point where we need to explore options for a gym extension to keep up with demand and offer the high level of service necessary to support the health and wellbeing of our customers.

Why are you closing the soft play?

Our goal is for a West Lothian where everyone can live a healthier, happier, and longer life, which means ensuring our facilities meet the needs of our local community. Currently, our soft play area is heavily underutilised and can be empty for long periods during the day, despite other areas of the building being incredibly busy.  Since 2021, our soft play is averaging only 3-4 visits per day. 

With a fantastic new soft play area now serving the community from Whitburn Community Education Centre, we recognised that the space in our venue could be better utilised to support the health and wellbeing of our Whitburn community.

Why is this happening so soon?

We realise that the notice period for these changes is short, and we would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by this quick transition.

Ideally, we would have preferred to provide more advance notice to our customers about this change, but our priority is to minimise disruption wherever possible. By beginning the renovations swiftly, we are able to complete the project by early December, during our quietest period. Our contractors have confirmed that delaying the work would push the project into the New Year, our busiest time, which could cause greater levels of disruption for our users.


We are aware that parking can be challenging at Xcite Whitburn due to the venue's central location on a busy high street. Unfortunately, this is not something we have the ability to change at this time. 

We ask that all customers continue to park responsibly and respect local residents if parking on-street.

What new equipment will be introduced?

At the moment this is still to be confirmed, we will share full layout plans and details on the new equipment as soon as we can.

We can reveal that a key focus is to increase the space for strength equipment and free weights — something we have limited space for in the current gym.

When will the gym extension happen?

We are aiming to have all works completed by the beginning of December - keep an eye on our website and social channels for all the latest updates. 

Are you upgrading the dance studio?

Yes! Our dance studio will also be getting refreshed as part of the project. 

I watch my child’s swimming lessons from the reception seating area. Where can I go to watch these now?

Swimming lessons in our training pool can still be observed from the balcony above. This can be accessed via the stairs to our main pool viewing gallery.  If you have any questions on how to access the balcony, please speak to a member of the Xcite Whitburn team who will be happy to assist.